Oodle Feeds
Submit Your Listings to Oodle
Oodle aggregates listings from thousands of websites and then syndicates them on Oodle.com and the Oodle Network. The best way to submit large numbers of listings is through
Oodle paid inclusion program.
Oodle Backfill Program
Listings submitted through this program are subject to the following conditions:
- It may take up to 30 days to review your feed.
- Feeds containing Prohibited Content will be rejected without notice.
- Feeds containing non-unique new goods (e.g. retail) will be rejected.
- Listings are not guaranteed to show up on Oodle.com or the Oodle Network.
- Listings will not appear on the Marketplace on Facebook.
- Listings will always appear at the bottom of search results below listings from paid advertisers and individual users.
- When listings are clicked on, Oodle may host the content or redirect users to your website.
- The behavior of backfill listings may change without notice.
Oodle uses backfill content to improve the user experience for our customers. As such, we may remove or modify your listings at any time without notice. We will not update you when changes are made nor will we answer support questions about your listings. If you are interested in increased traffic, more control over your content, and complete reporting, then please participate in one of our paid programs.
How does it work?
You can use our
automated submission tool to submit your feed as long as it is in the Oodle Format. Once you have successfully submitted your feed, you will receive a confirmation email with a link through which you can view all your listings on Oodle.
The “Oodle Format”
Oodle would like as much information about each listing as possible. The more information we have, the more likely a user is to find the listing. To that end, we accept a lot of fields with different information. Additionally,
some fields are required and you can’t submit your feed without them (the field has to be present and there has to be content in it).
In order to be considered to be in the
“Oodle Format”, all the field names in your feed have to correspond to the field names outlined in our specifications. (If you have a feed in a different format that meets our general feed requirements, you may submit it as part of our paid inclusion program by contacting sales@oodle.com)
The set of understood and required fields varies based on what top-level category your listings fall into.
Please select your category in order to get the detailed feed specifications and sample feed files:
Feed Format
Please note that we generally require the full set of listings to be included in each feed update. This allows us to expire those listings we have previously seen, but which are now absent from the feed. (For feeds that are exceptionally large, or very frequently updated, we can work out an arrangement to receive deltas.)
We strongly prefer XML feeds, but we can also accept CSV or tab-delimited files.
XML feeds should be
well-formed. The best way to ensure this is to run your prospective feed through an xml validator or parser to
check it.
If you are going to send us a delimited text file, please include descriptive column names as the first line of this file.
Compression (optional)
Oodle has the capability to handle feeds that have been compressed via gzip or zip. This often dramatically reduces the size of the feed file being transmitted.
Submission Methods
Oodle can fetch feeds from your site via
FTP. We only fetch your feed as often as it updates but we check it every day.
For feeds larger than 15,000 listings, Oodle can also set up an ftp account so that you may push feeds to our ftp server, if fetching feeds from your site is not possible
Accepted Content
It goes without saying that the content you submit to us has to be in accordance with our
Terms of Use and
Content Policies rules.
In addition, we discourage you from submitting your feed if it contains inventory that is not specific to a location (such as shippable retail goods). Our site is currently optimized for a local classifieds experience.