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Adopt Britney Spears a Brindle - with White Labrador Retriever / Mastiff / Mixed | White Female La1

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Adopt Britney Spears a Brindle - with White Labrador Retriever / Mastiff / Mixed

Regina, SK

I have a gentle heart and a shy demeanor. My warm and expressive eyes captivate the hearts of everyone I meet. Despite my initial shyness, I am quickly blossoming into a friendly and affectionate companion. I spend my time in the company of various dogs, cats, and humans, where my friendly nature shines through. Whether playfully and interacting with fellow furry friends or sharing quiet moments with my human companions, my charm endears me to all. I am a loyal and loving Mastiff pup ready to bring joy to any home lucky enough to welcome me.Love, Britney Spears
Labrador Retriever
May 17 on
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More About this Listing: Adopt Britney Spears a Brindle - with White Labrador Retriever / Mastiff / Mixed
Adopt Britney Spears a Brindle - with White Labrador Retriever / Mastiff / Mixed is a White Female Labrador Retriever, Mastiff for sale in Regina. Find other listings like Adopt Britney Spears a Brindle - with White Labrador Retriever / Mastiff / Mixed by searching Oodle for White Female Labrador Retriever, Mastiff Dogs.